digitizer|digitizers in English

noun digitizer (Amer.)

device which converts analog data into digital data (also digitiser)

Use "digitizer|digitizers" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "digitizer|digitizers" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "digitizer|digitizers", or refer to the context using the word "digitizer|digitizers" in the English Dictionary.

1. Artistic Digitizer gives you the freedom to be anything

2. Alternative arrangements for the two signal paths include separate downconverters or shared digitizers.

3. Geophysical data collection systems including environmental recorders, seismographs, accelerographs, digital seismic recorders, strong motion recorders, multi-channel digital recorders, blast recorders, vibration recorders and monitors, environmental monitoring digitizers, and authenticating digitizers

4. 3D Measurement: 3D digitizers scan three-dimensional objects and import the 3D data to computers.

5. The NI PXI-5114 is a low-cost digitizer for high-speed applications.

6. To become a Cartographer you have to know how to operate computers and peripheral devices like digitizers, scanners, plotters and printers, and how to run graphics and mapping sofware

7. The infrastructure used for the service consists of a satellite communication link, a computer at the receiving station, a computer at the image-sending station and a digitizer

8. The infrastructure used for the service consists of a satellite communication link, a computer at the receiving station, a computer at the image-sending station and a digitizer.

9. For lower-frequency operation (baseband or IF signals), the bundle works with the 100 MHz mixed-signal test platform with digitizer, analog waveform generator, and digital waveform I/O products.

10. With reliable performance and a complete USB interface, including hardware, firmware, and driver software, the USB-5133 OEM digitizer is ideal for adding high-performance analog acquisition to embedded designs.

11. A method and a system for Uniform Frequency Sample Clocking to directly sample the OCT signal with a temporally-non-linear sampling clock derived from a k-space wavemeter on the external sample clock input port of a digitizer.

12. With the SMC, you can create mixed-signal test systems with digitizers, arbitrary waveform generators, and other digital waveform generator/analyzers, or you can synchronize multiple digital devices to build low-skew multichannel systems for interfacing to high-pin-count digital ICs and electronics.